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Legal Resources and Insights

3 min read
The G Word - Why You Don't Need to Feel Guilty About Disputing a Will
Explore the types of challenges that can be brought against a will and why it is something you should not feel at all guilty about pursuing.

3 min read
My Loved One Has Passed Away and I Think They Might Have Left Me Something
It's very common for people to feel awkward about asking the other members of their family if they were left anything in the deceased’s will

4 min read
I’ve Been Told I Lack Testamentary Capacity, But I Want to Write My Will
A person must have testamentary capacity in order to make a valid will, however, issues arise where a person has lost this capacity.

3 min read
Probate Caveat: An Important Tool if Used Correctly
‘Should I lodge a probate caveat?’ What is a probate caveat and when is filing one necessary?

3 min read
The Informal Will
A Will that does not comply with the formal requirements is known as an ‘informal Will’.

3 min read
Notional Estates
One of the more complex and unique concepts in NSW succession law is that of the notional estate.

2 min read
Elder Abuse: What is it and in What Scenarios Does it Arise?
Although elder abuse can take many forms most relevant to the topic of wills and probate is financial elder abuse.

2 min read
The Curious Case of the Mutual Will
Where two or more people agree to (and do in fact) write a will, they have created what is known as a “mutual will”.

3 min read
Leaving Everything to the Neighbours?
Mrs Harris made a will appointing her niece and a solicitor as her executors. Then, Mrs Harris made a will that revoked all previous wills.
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