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Legal Resources and Insights

2 min read
De Facto Relationships and Living Apart
Is it possible to maintain a de-facto relationship while living in separate houses?

5 min read
Elder Abuse in Property Transfer: Unconscionable Conduct and Undue Influence
This Victorian Supreme Court decision highlights the prevalence of elder abuse in Australian society and the relief that may be available.

4 min read
I Don’t Have a Will, Do I Need to Make One?
Most people are unaware that having a valid Will is essential to ensure their wishes are carried out after their death.

2 min read
Elder Abuse and Enduring Power of Attorney
Are you vulnerable to Financial or Elder Abuse? Some important considerations when electing a Power of Attorney.

3 min read
Am I an Executor or Power of Attorney: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between being an executor and having power of attorney? It’s often wrongly assumed these roles are one and the same.

2 min read
Will Dispute Mediation: What is it and Why Should I Consider it?
Whilst a significant number of people worry about the effect of court proceedings, the reality is most will disputes do not end up in court.

3 min read
I Wrote My Will Before Getting Married, Do I Have to Change it?
This article explores and addresses the effect the act of marriage can have on the existing wills of the married couple.

3 min read
I Don't Understand What My Loved One Meant in Their Will
If you are confronted with a will, or part of a will, which you don’t understand, this article will provide you with a guide on what to do.

2 min read
My Loved One Has Executed Their Will Overseas, What Do I Do?
Section 48 of The Succession Act 2006 (NSW) sets out how NSW courts determine the validity of a will which was executed in a foreign place.

3 min read
What Does It Mean to be 'In a Close Personal Relationship' with the Deceased?
This article will outline some of the ways a 'Close Personal Relationship' has been interpreted.
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